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Sunday, 2 February 2014

A cute little heart pattern

I guess it's that time of year to be getting a little romantic so I thought I'd add my own little heart pattern to the crochet community.

Crochet Heart
This one has the optional 4th Row done in the same colour

Crochet Heart
This one has the optional 4th Row done in a different colour

Crochet Heart
And this one is the smaller heart hung over the larger heart

And here's the pattern.  I've even done a printable version here ( I hope.... I followed some instructions from here which seemed simple enough...)

Larger Crochet Heart Shape

Instructions in () to be done in the same stitch
Row 1
8sc in adjustable loop and to first
Row 2
In sc after (sc, hdc), (dc, dc), (sc, hdc), dc, (hdc, sc), (dc, dc), (hdc, sc)
Row 3
(hdc, dc), (dc, dc) (hdc, sc) (sc, sc), sc, sc, (sc, tr, sc don’t worry that tr gets pushed to the back – that’s the pointy bit), sc, sc, (sc, sc) (sc, hdc), (dc, dc), (dc, hdc), finish here with long end to make into a loop if required or:
Row 4 (Optional) round front post of each stitch except the tr chain at the bottom and finish with in row below at top centre of heart.  This looks nice when done in a different colour. Or you could just thread up a needle and chain stitch round the posts.  Leave a long end to pull through to the back and make into a loop if required. J

Little Crochet Heart Shape

Row 1
8sc in adjustable loop and to first
Row 2
In sc after (sc, hdc, dc), (dc,dc), (sc, sc), (sc, tr, sc), (sc, sc), (dc, dc), (dc, hdc, sc),  Pull long end through to make a loop or just finish off neatly J

Crochet Heart
Happy Valentines day

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