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Friday, 23 March 2012

new projects on the way but....

OK, I've got oodles of ideas for nice things to make and stuff but...well...I'm too busy snivelling my way through Mass Effect 3.  That's when I'm not ogling Commander Shephards nice new uniform choices..hmmm...I'm so sad in all meanings of sad.  I'm already looking forward to the next run through when I will play as FemShep, I hate that tag she's aquired, sounds like a feminine hygiene product.."there to tackle the periods that you're just not man enough for"...or some such. Although, if James isn't a romance option, I'm not sure I'll bother :)  And yes, I have read that the ending is atrocious but I am going to see it through...hanky at the ready..Fortunately, there are epic cut scenes during which time I can grab the crochet hook..and inadvertently miss one of those flash mushy (nice Shep) or mashy (tough Shep) mouse button pushes.  Oh well, can't have everything......

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